wenty-two years after the events of Jurassic Park, Isla Nublar now features a fully functioning dinosaur theme park, Jurassic World, as originally envisioned by John Hammond. After 10 years of operation and visitor rates declining, in order to fulfill a corporate mandate, a new attraction is created to re-spark visitors' interest, which backfires horribly.
Director: Colin Trevorrow
Writers:n Rick Jaffa , Amanda
Stars: Chris Pratt, Howard, Ty Simpkins
22 years after the original Jurassic Park failed, the new park (also known as Jurassic World) is open for business. After years of studying genetics the scientists on the park genetically engineer a new breed of dinosaur. When everything goes horribly wrong, will our heroes make it off the island?
Movie Review
I really really wanted to like it being a huge fan of the original story and film Jurassic Park but it was missing that Spielberg magic. Some really cool effects but overall disappointing attempt to restart the franchise. Never understand why they can't try something original but have to resort to borrowing from the previous films. Even Spielberg had trouble with his sequels, with the third film in the franchise being particularly bad. Would have liked to have seen some improvements in the actual dinosaurs to reflect current thinking but they decided to stick with the same versions from 17 year ago. I think that this one Jurassic World will end being seen as better than the third film but inferior to one and even two. Direction story and acting were below par with way too many inconsistencies gets a pass from me for at least trying...probably better to save your pennies for the next summer blockbuster or you could always go and watch Max be Mad again.
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